Denis Lynch (irländsk ryttare, boende i Tyskland)
Name: Denis Lynch
Age: 32
Marital Status: Married, one daughter four years old.
Where were you born (village/town & county): Tipperary Town, County Tipperary, Ireland.
Where do you live now (village/town & county): Münster, Germany
Do you have brothers and sisters? One brother, one sister
Are you youngest/ oldest? Second oldest
Best Show Jumping achievements so far: Winning Grands Prix at Doha, La Baule, Rome, Hamburg, Dresden, and my fourth place in Monte Carlo.
Why did you pick Show Jumping? How did you get into it?
What's your first memory of horses? Bareback riding.
How did you learn to ride? By myself.
Number of Horses Owned? My owner has five that I ride.
Favourite Horse ever ridden? Lantinus
Horse you would love to own: Oki Doki
Do you do participate in any other sports? No
Best piece of advice about riding/show jumping given? John Whitaker gave me the best advice when I was going into a jump-off. I asked him what I should do. He said: "Try to leave the jumps up."
What's your worst habit? I sometimes try too hard.
What's your favorite band? U2
Do you have a nickname you are willing to share? Sometimes people call me Lynchie.

D E N I S LY N C H , S H O W J U M P I N G
Describe yourself in five words: Very ambitious.
What was your first job? Riding horses point-to-point
Who do you most admire and why? John Whitaker, for all that he has achieved, and for the sort of person he is.
What advice would you give people new to the sport? Try your best and never give up
What's your greatest fear? Losing
What's your greatest ambition apart from winning the Olympics? To stay healthy